Maya 2d animation
Maya 2d animation

maya 2d animation maya 2d animation

These controls similarly work in the orthographic front, side & top viewports (Viewport Menu: Panels → Orthographic→ front/side/top), minus the ability to rotate. Zoom with Alt+Right Mouse Button or Middle Mouse Button Roll.In the perspective viewport ( Viewport Menu: Panels → Perspective → persp if not already open) the camera controls are as follows:

maya 2d animation

Starting with an empty scene, it is essential to be able to move the camera and view from different angles. NOTE: Maya icons and other visual details are liable to change slightly with each annual release. Download Maya for educational purposes via the link on the Resources page. Once completed, the reader should understand how to set up an animation scene with the provided character and create basic animation.īelow are the default areas of the Maya scene referred to in all following tutorials. This beginner tutorial is to help familiarize anyone completely new to Maya with basic scene and animation functionality.

Maya 2d animation